Faça uma doação única e ajude a salvar vidas em Israel!
Torne-se um parceiro mensal e ajude a salvar vidas em Israel!
Beneficiaries name:
Blessing Israeli Believers - Pro-Life
Bank: Frost Bank
BIC / Swift Code: FRSTUS44
Account number: 714020715
Routing Number: 114000093
Reference: Be'ad Chaim-Israel
Bank Address:
5208 West Broadway
Pearland, TX 77581, USA
* All donations sent to Be’ad Chaim through Blessings Israeli Believers Pro-Life are tax deductible in the USA.
Beneficiaries name:
Be'ad Chaim
Bank: Bank Hapoalim
BIC / Swift Code: POALILIT
IBAN: IL63 0126 9000 0000 0435 081
Branch: 690
Bank Address:
King George St. 16
Jerusalem, Israel
Beneficiaries name:
Bank: Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BIC / Swift Code: SKLODE66XXX
Kto.-Nr. 1017730BLZ 683 500 48
IBAN: DE15 6835 0048 0001 0177 30
Anmerkung: for Be'ad Chaim in Israel
Beneficiaries name:
Bank: PostFinance
Kto.-Nr. 40-33695-4
IBAN: CH13 0900 0000 4003 3695 4
Anmerkung: for Be'ad Chaim in Israel
Beneficiaries name:
Stichting Shoresh
Bank: ING
BIC / Swift Code: INGBNL2A
IBAN: NL45 INGB 0009 1072 19
Onder vermelding van: Project 2203 tbv Be’ad Chaïm, Israël
* Uw giften zijn aftrekbaar van de belasting.
Be'ad Chaim
c/o Blessing Israeli Believers
P.O. Box 940
Pearland, TX 77588
United States
*Checks should be made payable to Be’ad Chaim.
*Please note in the memo section: "Be'ad Chaim-Israel", to make sure your donation reaches us.
Be'ad Chaim
Agripas 42,
Jerusalem, Israel
*Checks should be made payable to Be’ad Chaim.
Prayer For Israel
PO Box 190,
Telford, TF2 2DB
Shropshire, UK
*Checks should be made payable to Prayer for Israel
*Please note in the memo section: "Be'ad Chaim-Israel", to make sure your donation reaches us.