'Our goal at Be’ad Chaim is that every person, no matter what their situation, knows that they are valuable.'
One of our mothers who is a foreign worker received baby furniture and a monthly gift card to purchase baby essentials through our Operation Moses Project. Deeply grateful, she sent this note:
“I’ve been in this country for 11 years and no one has ever helped me. I still can’t believe your amuta (nonprofit) is doing this.”
Her note brought tears to my eyes because foreign workers are often ‘unseen’ or looked down upon in our society. Like the babies in the womb who are ‘unseen’ and are sadly considered merely ‘bunches of cells’ and ‘objectified’, foreign workers, refugees, the poor, young girls on the streets and many others on the ‘fringes’ of society are invisible to other people.
Yet God sees each one as precious in His sight. God has His eye on the little sparrow and cares greatly for the people whom He has lovingly created in His image. Our goal at Be’ad Chaim is that every person, no matter what their situation, knows that they are valuable, whether it be the preborn child still in the womb, the poor, the needy, the destitute, or those who are rich in finances but broken in spirit. Our goal is to love all in need and to help them in a practical way. Thank you for your part in showing God’s love, for we are “compelled by the love of God.” May He fill your hearts with His love,
Larissa and her family are refugees from Ukraine. When it became clear that Russia was going to invade that country, Larissa’s husband decided to bring his wife and two children to Israel to be with his wife’s mother. Larissa was pregnant with their third child when they arrived. We had advertised our desire to help Ukrainian refugees so, like other moms in need, we were blessed when Larissa turned to us for practical and emotional support. On the 29th of January, Larissa gave birth to a baby girl and named her Lisa, after a queen. Her husband had to return to Ukraine after the birth. Larissa says she misses him terribly and is very worried about him. She is still living with her mother but since she does not have citizenship, she is not able to work. She said it is difficult living as a refugee but is also very grateful to be able to bring her daughter to a safer place in which to live. She sees Lisa as a light in the midst of a dark season. Your prayers for Larissa’s husband and for the reuniting of her family are appreciated.
Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.
Prior to the COVID pandemic, our Jerusalem moms had been invited to monthly seminars and workshops. It was a joy to renew our monthly meetings again in June with a lecture on how to prepare simple, healthy meals for their families, including a sampling of some of the recipes. The lecture and organic foods were sponsored by the Joseph Project.
Our Haifa counselor, Talia, asked the other counselors to pray for a 19 year old soldier who was about to abort. The soldier was ‘tough’ and said, "I don’t need your prayers.” Her fiancé’s parents were also pressuring her to end the pregnancy. Several hours later, after a personal meeting with the soldier at a train station, we received an updated message. "She’s continuing her pregnancy and even agreed that I pray for her.”
Many who have partnered with us over the years know that Sharon Marcus has served with Be’ad Chaim for nearly three decades as a warm-hearted and faithful counselor. Sharon has been an experienced and invaluable resource to many of the other counselors and an example of dedication, wisdom, and devotion for all of us. At the end of June, she retired after saving and touching the lives of thousands of moms and babies. Sharon showed deep concern, mercy and care for each of the mothers she helped. We bless her with gratitude for her long-term service to Be’ad Chaim and the families of Israel.
Rina is 27 years old, divorced and has one child. She lives with her mother in the city of Be’er Sheva in southern Israel. Rina had two abortions in the past. She was in a new relationship when she found out she was pregnant again and believed her only option was to have a third abortion because her partner did not want to have anything to do with the baby. Her mother, however, insisted that she try to find some help so that she could afford to raise her child. Contacting Be’ad Chaim and being given the promise of practical assistance through our Operation Moses Project, Rina chose life. In February, adorable baby girl Adel was born. Rina said that giving life to Adel was the best choice that she could have made. Sadly, she can’t stop thinking about the babies she did not have. The emotional support given to her by her counselor was even more valued than the practical help. “Thank you so much for providing everything that I needed for my precious baby girl.”
Kim is 25 years old, married and was expecting her first baby when she reached out to us for help. She had had an abortion in the past and knew she could not go through that painful ordeal again. Her social worker referred her to Be’ad Chaim and also encouraged her to continue her pregnancy. Kim and her husband now gratefully embrace their first born son Ma’or. We thank God for excellent relationships with the Social Services departments in various cities throughout Israel.
Maduna is a married refugee from Sudan living in the resort city of Eilat where she and her husband work long hours cleaning in hotels. When she discovered this last pregnancy with their third child, she panicked. Their finances were tight and she rarely spent time with her children as they were in daycare most of the day. She thought that having another abortion would be the only answer but thankfully through the refugee center in Eilat, she was put in contact with us and she received the love and support she needed. During the pregnancy, Maduna had a few health problems that caused her quite a bit of anxiety. She said that the encouragement she received from her husband and her counselor made all the difference. Baby girl Suzan is now three months old and is a delight to her family.
Delightful Sara recently celebrated her first birthday and crawls everywhere. Eve has not gone back to work yet, but is considering setting up a small nail 'clinic' in her home. Sara’s nap schedule, however, makes scheduling clients difficult. The cost of daycare for a child Sara’s age makes it economically unfeasible to work outside the home. Her husband is a student in a yeshiva (an institute of Torah study) and has also been studying to be a certified electrician. He didn't pass the qualifying test the first time and must now wait three months before trying again. Eve’s family helps them a bit financially but they struggle to makes ends meet, so the assistance through our Operation Moses Project has been vital. The diapers and monthly vouchers have made the financial burden on this little family so much easier to bear.
Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.
For many years, our counselors have used the wonderful workbook “Forgiven and Set Free” by Linda Cochrane as a tool to bring healing and restoration to women who have experienced abortion. This booklet is an asset in ministering to women who are open to reading the New Testament. In Israel, many of our moms are religious Jews who would not even touch a New Testament. To meet their needs, several of our counselors together with a volunteer have created a workbook based on “Forgiven and Set Free,” using only verses from the Tanach (Old Testament), called “The Journey to Heal the Heart.”
Our Reproductive Loss counseling team is growing. We currently have three different programs and three counselors taking care of women who have suffered loss through abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth. The stories of these women are often heart-breaking. One of our current participants is Miri who aborted her baby after it became clear that her daughter would have Down's Syndrome. Everyone around her pushed her to abort. Not a single member of her family nor any of her friends encouraged her to continue her pregnancy, claiming that she would be selfish to keep the baby. Now she is heartbroken, filled with regret, guilt and remorse and she misses her baby girl. She is going through one of our programs to find healing. Please stand with us in prayer for Miri's recovery.
- We advertised on the army radio station from June 7th – June 15th during peak hours. We were pleasantly surprised that the IDF would allow us to offer help at all to those in crisis pregnancies. Abortion is common in the army and considered “the better solution for a pregnant soldier.”
- As a result of pro-abortion articles and an unwillingness to include a prolife stance in the media, we have hired a journalist to promote the value of life in the womb and inform the public about the dangers of abortion to women. Even though most newspapers haven’t agreed to publish the prolife position, a religious media company has published articles and has broadcast a radio interview.
- The lawyer for the State has asked for an extension to July 14th of the Court's decision regarding our proposal to stop abortion from 24 weeks' gestation.
- We have renewed our bus advertisements for another quarter, expanding our advertising to the side or rear of 330 buses across the country. The sign offers help to anyone in a crisis pregnancy or who has experienced reproductive loss.
Plant a tree and find healing after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, abortion or SIDS - and find comfort, closure, and restoration.